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PETA Approved Flying with Air Apothecary

PETA Approved Flying with Air Apothecary

peta approved miami business shop flying with air apothecary

Our mission to help support survivors in their healing journey extends to both human and animals. We do not stand for the exploitation or abuse of mankind or animal kind. This is why we are proud to say that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and our Flying with Air apothecary now stand in solidarity. 

We applied to be approved by PETA recommendations in hopes that we can join forces in the ending of the wrongful entertainment, abuse and mistreatment of animals. We believe that standing for any injustice is a reflection of character as well as integrity in a business model. 

With this in mind, we understand and care about all of our tribe. The decision to align our apothecary collections with all natural plant-based product line is not to alarm our customers who do not comply with an entire plant-based diet. We promise to continue to serve good vibes and love to every customer whether you consume animal products, are strictly vegan or somewhere in between. What matters most to us is that you align your healthy lifestyle to continue a productive healing journey. 

You can find our listed membership with the PETA's Beauty Without Bunnies program on starting in November! We will also begin labeling our products with that cute little bunny soon thereafter with our $350.00 donation to helping the Beauty without Bunnies program.

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