Spring's Mercury Retrograde 2022

Written by: Ines Maria
Mercury will be going into retrograde in the planet of Gemini starting May 10th until June 3rd. Whether this is your first Mercury Retrograde or if you've already experienced a few, I'm going to try and make this a little bit easier for you. A retrograde is known for a planet to be in a resting state, essentially meaning it's not functioning how it's normally supposed to. Another interpretation can be is that during a retrograde, the planet appears to be moving backwards which is why everything is no longer flowing how it used to. The planet Mercury rules communication, coordination, technology, transportation, and processing of information.
During a Mercury Retrograde, it is important to pay attention these areas of your life and try to keep them as grounded and stabilized as you can. But also remember, not to stress yourself out. We can only control ourselves and how we choose to react to things. We can't always control our external world, but we can do our best to control ourselves internally. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, and because of that this Mercury Retrograde will be a bit more intense since it will be taking place in it's proper sign. If you have heavy Gemini placements in your chart, you will be feeling the effects even more.
People usually dread retrogrades because they have been given a slight notorious reputation of chaos. But I believe that everything is all about perspective. The way I choose to view retrogrades is that it is allowing everything to come to the surface so I am able to see what serves me and what no longer does. It creates a shift in my journey, and while some of it may be unexpected, I know it is what is needed to move me into the next phase of my life.
What to do during Mercury Retrograde:
- Practice self love and self care. Treat yourself to a face mask, put some essential oil into your diffuser, make yourself a nice cup of tea. Be kind and nurturing to yourself during this time.
- Think before you speak. Communication issues will arise during this period and it is best to try and carry out your words with conscious intention. There will be confusion and misunderstandings.
- Back up any files and information you don't want to lose. Technology issues are prominent during this time.
- Confirm all times and dates of any plans, appointments, work schedule, etc.
What to NOT do during Mercury Retrograde:
- Don't make any impulsive or major decisions. Especially in regards to careers and finances. If you need to, be sure to double check and be sure of what you're getting yourself into.
- Don't - and I put the emphasis on don't - reply or get in contact with anyone from your past. Mercury Retrograde is known for those karmic situationships and partners returning.
- Try not to start anything new. Instead, focus on finishing and closing the cycles you've already created so by the time this retrograde ends, you are ready for new beginnings and change.
- Be careful with your expenses and what you are purchasing. Especially when it comes to technology. If you need to, just be careful, do your research, and think your research through.
Metaphysical tools to use during Mercury Retrograde:
- First and foremost, I would recommend purchasing a journal so you can write down your thoughts. Since communication struggles can be brought to the surface level at the time, it is important to be able to express yourself and what is on your mind.
- Use crystals to assist in guidance and protection during this time. For example, Chrysocolla (picture above) can aid in balancing your emotions with the unstable energy that could be felt at times throughout the retrograde. Labradorite can assist in self reflection which is prominent during this time, since we will be exposed to what no longer serving us. Clear quartz can help clear any negative energy we are feeling, and allows us to let go of past thoughts and emotions that we no longer need to carry with us.
- Lastly, you can use different oils with different intentions. Use ylang ylang oil to balance and soothe your emotions within yourself and others surrounding. you. Try frankincense oil to help you stay grounded and feel more spiritually connected during this retrograde. Lemongrass is a powerful energy cleanser, and puts us in a state of letting go of stagnant energy and limiting beliefs.
Remember, make the most out of this time. It's definitely not as scary as it sounds or as others make it out to be. The overall purpose is for realignment, and to bring you back where you're supposed to be.
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