Magnetic Masculine Center
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Part I: Activation (First 12 Weeks)
Week I: Foundations
Masculine Energy: What it is and Why it Matters
The 3 Levels of Experience (Survival, Regulation, Enlightenment)
The “Western + Eastern” Solution: Philosophy + Embodiment
Week II: Philosophy (Western Approach)
Neuroplasticity (Psycho-Cybernetics, Romans 12:1-2)
Pillars of Philosophy: Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology
VAK (Visualization, Affirmation, Embodiment)
Week III: Embodiment (Eastern Approach)
4 Stages of Consciousness (Brain Waves, Mandukya Upanishads)
The Body as the Subconscious Mind (Sympathetic and Parasympathetic)
Breathwork (breath bridges mind to body, western to eastern)
Week IV: Internal vs External Mastery
Internal: Human Needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy and Self-Regulation)
External: Cosmology (Natural Law and the 7 Hermetic Principles)
Week V: The 4 Agreements / Laws (Internal / External)
The Law of Clarity: Self-Awareness / Natural Law
The Law of Elimination: Boundaries / Non-Attachment
The Law of Contribution: Circles of Control, Influence, Acceptance
The Law of Perseverance: Self-Regulation / Seasons of Sowing and Reaping
Week VI: The Law of Clarity
Internal Mastery (Self-Awareness)
External Mastery (Alignment With Natural Law)
Philosophy and Embodiment (Visualization, Affirmation, Embodiment)
Week VII: The Law of Elimination
Internal Mastery (Boundaries)
External Mastery (Non-Attachment)
Philosophy and Embodiment (Visualization, Affirmation, Embodiment)
Week VIII: The Law of Contribution
Internal Mastery (Circle of Control and Self-Care)
External Mastery (Circles of Control, Influence, and Acceptance)
Philosophy and Embodiment (Visualization, Affirmation, Embodiment)
Week IX: The Law of Perseverance
Internal Mastery (Self-Regulation of Masculine and Feminine)
External Mastery (Mastering Sowing and Reaping / Scarcity and Abundance)
Philosophy and Embodiment (Visualization, Affirmation, Embodiment)
Week X: Survival (See Week 1, Level 1)
Philosophy: From Fixed to Growth Mindset
Embodiment: From Self-Preservation to Healing
Week XI: Regulation (See Week 1, Level 2)
Philosophy: From “Pain -> Pleasure” to Value Seeking
Embodiment: From Healing to Growth
Week XII: Enlightenment (See Week 1, Level 3)
Philosophy: From Value Seeking to Value Creating
Embodiment: From Growth to Contribution