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Halloween! Blue Moon! Oh MY! 🎃

Halloween! Blue Moon! Oh MY! 🎃

happy halloween

Hi Fellow Monsters & Witches—

Happy Spooky Halloween, loves! 

Here we are at the peak of pumpkin harvesting, graveyards, witches and all those tricks and treats. 

Now, I get it! You may have experienced way more tricks than treats this year. Believe me! I HAVE TOO! But do not miss out on the chance to celebrate the day where we get to throw all the bad into a cauldron and make a happiness potion out of it. 
Personally, I am celebrating with my tribal witchy team. We may be working our hardest to deliver your love spells and candles, but we are happiest in our element. Tonight, remember to make your wish upon the blue moon and send me a photo this way! 

Blue moons are rare and powerful, like us, right? So, harvest that energy and bring some good into this 2020.

the rare blue halloween moon

The "super blue blood moon" is a rare "lunar trifecta" event and was the first such lunar event seen in North America since 1866. This year, there will be a full moon on Halloween. This makes it a "blue moon," since it's the second full moon in one calendar month. This phenomenon usually happens around every 2.7 years.

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